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Information Sytems - INFS

INFS 348 - Advanced Data Analytics


  • INFS 346 or COMP 353 C- or +

Course Description:​

This class covers current concepts in computer analytics applications.  The course emphasis is on how clients can leverage modern computing architectures and technology such as Hadoop and R, to analyze patterns across large amounts of data.  These relevant technologies (Hadoop and R) will be heavily utilized in the course. The student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how to effectively use technologies such as Hadoop & R for solving business problems of varying levels of complexity.

INFS 360 - Data Visualization & Business Intelligence

*Engaged Learning


  • INFS 346 C- or +

Course Description:​

The amount of data that our world generates is growing at a torrid pace. Sifting through & making sense of these humongous mountains of data is crucial to ensuring business growth, and success and to making scientific discoveries & advancements. Data visualization plays an important role in this process.  Students will be able to process & visualize large amounts of data in order to enable efficient & effective analysis using industry-standard software.

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Rambler Consulting Group est. 2020

Rambler Consulting Group operates under the Loyola Business Leadership Hub

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