About Us
We are the Rambler Consulting Group (RCG), Loyola University Chicago's student-run management consulting group. Our primary objective is to offer an educational experience to Loyola students who are considering a career in consulting. We are eager to take advantage of any opportunity thrown in our direction but are currently best prepared to help small to mid-sized companies in the Chicago area with projects including, but not limited to, growth and operations.
RCG's 3 Pillars
RCG encourages members to dive into what it means to be a consultant no matter your major or knowledge level. We do this by offering the chance to hear from industry professionals about their experiences and the nuances of consulting. College is the time for trying new things and RCG is here to help you do that.
RCG is student-run and student-focused. We prioritize advancing student's skills through case prep practice at meetings so they can confidently navigate interviews and internships.
At RCG we recognize the value of exposure to real-life cases. Our associates gain hands-on experience by working with local businesses in real-life cases. Their work spans a variety of industries and research, along with the opportunity for practice in a client-facing role.

Organizational Structure
Interviewed positions include Associates and Partners. Associates are those who work with clients and/or write insight articles. On a case-by-case basis, Associates will be selected for the role of Project Manager. Because the quality of RCG's projects rely heavily on expertise developed in the classroom, Associate roles will primarily be determined by experience level. Promotions are based on merit and academic progression. Those not actively working on a case are expected to conduct industry research on a topic of their choice to be published on our insights page.
Partner responsibilities are focused on the management of the club. This includes (but is not limited to) forming the curriculum, managing casework, managing insight articles, creating marketing content, coordinating clients, and structuring finances.
The Rambler Consulting Group has two advising authorities. One consists of Loyola faculty from departments across multiple schools, and the other is the Loyola Business Leadership Hub. Both serve to advise associates on projects, attract clientele, and offer constructive criticism at quarterly meetings. Each advisory board member makes a one-year commitment but can continue their affiliation each year.
The Rambler Consulting Group operates completely under the Loyola Business Leadership Hub and all finances and contracts are managed through them. The Hub also actively oversees each project.
Focus Areas

Case Prep
RCG case preparation includes a weekly class that will help members dip their toes into consulting culture. This will help you learn what consulting is all about and guide you through the application process for internships and full-time positions. RCG's case preparation activities will include weekly instruction by partners/associates, weekly cases, and professional panels.
To join the consulting side of RCG you must apply and go through an interview process. You will get the opportunity to help the Rogers Park/Edgewater community and corporations of Chicago by stepping in where large and boutique firms cannot deliver in terms of pricing and student/faculty collaboration. Associates and partners will be given paid work as we receive it.
RCG strives to stay up-to-date with industry standards and news and this includes conducting research either on behalf of the client or based on Associate interest. Our associates that are not currently working on a case spend time conducting their own secondary research. All research can be found under our Insights tab.